As part of their “Be Responsible – Drive Safe” campaign launched in 2014, the Dubai Chamber Sustainability Network, in partnership with RTA and, and to support the UAE’s Year of Giving initiative, conducted “Road Safety Awareness Workshop for Commercial Drivers and Supervisors” at the Chamber premises on 30 March 2017. The seminar, organised by Dubai Chamber’s Centre for Responsible Business’s Sustainability Network Road Safety working group designed by Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), provided commercial drivers with the knowledge and skills as well as best practice and advice to effectively create an accident-free environment and culture. The seminar also touched upon a deeper understanding of the causes of accidents and collisions, Road Safety worldwide, as well as driver’s attitude, concentration and fatigue while driving. Muhammed Akber, General Manager – HSEQ & Sustainability, Tristar Transport, spoke at the session, and it was attended by 21 companies’ drivers and supervisors.